Excitingly, we had a Pavilion in the Blue Zone at the UN COP28 Climate Conference in Dubai last year!
As at our concerts and festival stages, at the Pavilion we held talks and workshops by youth activists interspersed with live music performances.
Across 12 days we programmed 68 panel discussions and workshops from 210 youth activists, world leaders and scientists on a wide range of intersectional climate and social justice issues.
We had 39 artists play with us at COP28. From global star dodie, to one of Zimbabwe’s finest Gemma Griffiths, to indigenous artists Wisdom Keepers, Djuena Tikuna and Thaline Karajá – we had it all! We also held a large concert in the Green Zone at Extreme Hangout.
In our pavilion we had a Campaign Area where we had campaigners and materials from 33 youth climate groups and campaigns. We did this because we are passionate about platforming as many important youth groups and campaigns as we can.
Our aim at COPs is to highlight issues which are key to young people and those on the frontlines of the climate crisis, whilst showcasing the power of music to create change and bringing hope and joy to the conference space.

In our Pavilion we had a ‘Campaign Zone’ where we had tables filled with campaign materials and campaigners from youth climate groups. You can download our full programme here .